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Advisory For Citizens

For Hotels / Guest Houses

Insist on identification documents and contact number before booking a room for the guest.
Install CCTV cameras and report about suspicious guest to the police.
Keep all the fire fighting equipments/arrangements which are essential from the fire safety point of view.
Deploy adequate no. of private security guards.

For Landlords, Property Dealers, Car Dealer Or Guest House Owners

Do not let out your premises without satisfying yourself about the antecedents of the tenant.
Insist on identification documents before booking a room for the guest. Install CCTV cameras and report about suspicious guest to the police.
Satisfy yourself about the antecedents of both parties, particularly the buyer before finalizing the deal and insist on identification documents, photocopies of which should be retained.

For Motor Cycle Riders

1. Don’t be a hell mate, use Helmet
2. Avoid triple riding, two-wheelers for two only.
3. Avoid cell phone while driving.
4. Avoid High Speeds.
5. Drive to care not to dare.
6. Obey traffic signals.
7. Keep the papers of the vehicle with you.

For Pedestrians

1. Use supervised or controlled crossing points such as pedestrian crossings and traffic lights, wherever possible
2. At pedestrian crossings, wait until all traffic has stopped before crossing the road. It’s a good idea to make eye contact with the car drivers before you step off the pavement
3. If there is no formal crossing point, make sure you cross away from buses, parked cars and corners so that motorists can easily see you
4. Keep one step back from the kerb before you cross
5. Look and listen for traffic in all directions. If there is traffic coming, wait until it has passed. Look and listen for traffic again. When there is no traffic coming walk quickly straight across the road, looking each way for traffic.
6. Always alert accident avert.
7. Be alert while responding to queries by covering the wind screen. The person may be a snatcher & may have targeted your cell phone / purse.
8. Be extra alert when you are crossing the road with kids.

For Principal / Head Of Educational Institutions

1. Adequate number of security guards in the school.
2. Each student and staff member must wear an identity card (giving his name, parent/guardian’s name, address, class, phone no., blood group and other details).
3. Each student must be told to memorise the phone no. of his parents / guardians.
4. There should be a public address system in each school.
5. There should be proper fire fighting measures like extinguishers, smoke alarms etc with standing instructions and training to staff / students as to their operation.
6. CCTV with recording facility at the entrance / parking area.
7. Report eve-teasing / harassment and drug abuse to nearest PS / Police Control room by dialling 100.
8. To educate the students about traffic rules.

For Rickshaw Pullers, Auto, Bus, Car And Taxi Drivers

Check your vehicle before you take it on road like air in tyre, break oil, gear oil etc.
Obey traffic signal and control you speed at all the road-crossing, bus-stop area, schools and hospital area.
Check thoroughly your taxi/auto/rickshaw/bus etc, including undercarriage and ensure that the passenger do not leave any bag or article.
Remain alert and vigilant about surroundings especially where your vehicle or rickshaw is parked.
Maintain your vehicle and keep it properly tuned to ensure safety and reduce pollution.

For Telephone Booths / Cyber Cafes

Erect firewalls and take technical measures to ensure cyber safety.
Order issued by Commissioner of Police, Howrah should be strictly followed.

For Vendors

Be watchful and report any suspicious activity around you.
Make sure no customer leaves his belongings behind.
Keep an eye on suspicious looking customers.

For Web Browsers

General Safety Tips
We all know that the Internet is a cool place to hang with friends and check out new things. But don’t forget about the Internet’s risks and dangers. If you’re going to use the Web, do it safely! Here are some suggestions on what you should and shouldn’t be doing online to help protect you against the bad stuff.
Be careful online.
Never reveal personally – identifiable information online. A lot of crooks use the Internet to take advantage of other people, especially kids and teens. Never reveal any personally-identifiable information online, whether it’s on your profile page or in a blog, chatroom, instant messenger chat or email.
Always use a screen name instead of your real name.
Never give out your address, telephone number, hangout spots or links to other websites or pages where this information is available.
Be careful about sending pictures to people you do not know very well.
Never tell people personal or private information about your friends or family.
Never assume you’re completely anonymous online. Even if you don’t put personal information online, there are different ways that people can still figure out who you are and where you live.
Never share your password with other people
Your passwords to websites, email accounts and instant messenger services should not be shared with friends or strangers. Your friends may not be as safe as you are and may unknowingly subject you to danger.
Never arrange meetings with strangers.
Just because you’ve seen a person’s picture and read his or her profile, does not mean you know them. Many people online lie about who they are and what their intentions are. Just because someone seems nice online, does not mean they really are. They could be trying to hurt you. Never arrange a meeting with a stranger you’ve met online. Even meeting a stranger in a crowded place could be dangerous as he could follow you home. If you wish to meet an online friend in person, talk to your parents and arrange a time and place where your friend can meet your parents first, just in case. If you are worried about your parents meeting one of your online friends, you probably shouldn’t be friends with them in the first place.
Don’t believe everything you read or see online.
Be wary of everything you see online unless it is from a trusted source. People lie about their age, who they are, what they look like, where they live, how they know you and what their interests are. Also, a lot of websites and emails contain information that is misleading or just plain untrue. If a person or deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Ask your parents to help you figure out what information is really true.
Don’t download files or software without your parents’ permission.
There are a lot of files on the Internet that are unsafe to download to a computer. Some files will bombard you with pop-up ads all day long. Some files will actually track everything you and your family do on your computer, including your logins, passwords and credit card information, which criminals then use to steal money from you and do other harm. There is no easy way to tell which files are bad and which are ok to download. That free desktop wallpaper you want to download might also steal your parents’ credit card information. Ask your parents before you download any files or software from the Internet.
Don’t respond to inappropriate messages or emails.
Some people send inappropriate messages just to see if you will respond. If you do, you are simply encouraging them to send more inappropriate material to you. Don’t respond to inappropriate messages. Instead, talk to your parents about how to report them to the right place.
Don’t post inappropriate content.
If you post information about tennis, you will attract people who are interested in tennis. If you post inappropriate content or pictures, you will attract people who have inappropriate interests. If you post jokes, photos or other content that contain sexual references you will probably attract people who are only interested in talking about sex. Be mindful of what you are communicating to the rest of the online world through the content you put onto the Internet.
Be wary of personal questions from strangers.
People you don’t know who ask personal questions are often up to no good. Don’t continue communicating with strangers who ask you personal questions. Talk to your parents about how to block them from communicating with you and report them to the right place.
Don’t be bullied into fights.
People tend to say things online that they would never say in person. Some people even say rude and malicious things, sometimes just to see if you will respond. Don’t respond to these people. Instead, talk to your parents about how to block them from communicating with you and report them to the right place.
Don’t use adult sites.
There are some websites that kids just should not use. Don’t use websites that contain adult content or that facilitate communication with older adults. No matter how much you think you know about the Internet, there are some people and places you just aren’t ready to deal with. Enjoy websites that are designed for people your own age.
Understand what you put online will be there forever.
Assume that everything you put online—- every email you write, every picture you post, every blog or journal entry you post—- will be accessible on the Internet forever. Many search engines copy Internet pages and save them for viewing even after the pages are no longer online. Think about that before you post anything online. Do you really want pictures or blog entries to be seen 10 years from now?

General Guidelines

All citizens are requested report any suspicious activities or suspicious baggage/article on toll free no. 100. Your identity will be kept secret.
Stay alert.
Don’t make yourself a “Soft Target.”
Walk purposefully, stand tall, and make eye contact with people around you.
Do not think that it cannot happen to you.
Always be aware of your surroundings.
If being followed or stalked, call 100 or drive directly to a police station.
A. Don’ts
1. Do not touch any unclaimed, abandoned, suspicious object till arrival of Police.
2. Do not panic, on getting any information or receiving telephone calls regarding any subversive activities and extend necessary assistance to Police.
3. Do not crowd the place if any suspicious object has been found. Please co-operate with police and clear the area as soon as possible.
4. Do not unnecessarily loiter in public places and co-operate with authorities.
5. Do not leave your personal baggage or leave your vehicle / two wheeler/ bicycle unattended at any place for long.
6. Do not be a guaranter to loan unless you know and trust the persons.
7. Do not sign as an identifier, if you do not know a person well.
B. Do’s
1. Please inform about suspicious activity, if any, that comes to your notice to local Police Station or Police Control Room on toll free no. 100. Your identity will not be disclosed.
2. Please inform about any unclaimed, abandoned or suspicious articles lying in your locality on toll free no. 100.
3. Please inform if you find any unclaimed vehicle, two-wheeler or any bi-cycle parked in your locality for long time.
4. Please help in maintaining peace by not believing in rumours.
5. Buy cell phone sets/articles from authenticated source / sellers. Buying these articles cheaper from unknown source can land you in trouble as the articles could be stolen property.

Road Safety Tips

1. Check your vehicle before taking it out on road.
2. Don’t use your mobile phone whilst driving
3. Belt up in the back
4. Don’t drink and drive.
5. Always adhere to speed limits
6. Steer clear of erratic drivers. Let a tailgater pass you.
7. Keep your eyes on the road. Talking on a cell phone or reading a map can distract you and lead to an accident. Keep in mind that a distracted driver might also be near you. Drive cautiously.
8. Be alert near parked cars. Someone could open a car door or pull out in front of you.
9. Don’t drive sleep-deprived. Sleep is not a matter of willpower, but a biological need. If you become drowsy, pull off the road and get some rest.
10. When passing another car, get past the driver’s blind spot as quickly and safely as possible.
11. Keep your distances from 5 to 10 metrs.
12. Avoid High speeds and control speed at important crossing, bus-stand areas, school & hospital area and also at congested area.
13. Help in traffic management and Traffic Police.
14. Take special care about children, senior citizens and pedestrians.
15. Always observe and anticipate other road users
16. Drive to care not to dare
17. Don’t be rash, lets you crash.
18. Day or night obey traffic rules.

Safety Tips To Prevent Car Theft

Common sense is your best defense
1. Lock your vehicle, close all windows and sun roof, and take your keys.
2. Never hide a second set of keys in or on your vehicle. Thieves know all the hiding places.
3. Don’t leave valuables in plain view. Items left in the open attract thieves.
4. Don’t leave important documents such as bank statements, credit card bills/statements or other personal information in your vehicle. Thieves can use this information to steal your identity and access your bank and credit card accounts.
5. Never leave the registration or title in your car. If stolen, this makes it easier for the thief to dispose of your vehicle. Keep it with your drivers’ license or on your person.
6. Park in well lit areas with plenty of pedestrian traffic, or when possible, in attendant lots. If you have to leave your key with an attendant, leave only the ignition and door key.
7. Never leave your vehicle running unattended. Vehicles are commonly stolen at ATMs, convenience stores, etc.
8. Always use your emergency brake and leave your transmission in park (standard transmissions should be left in gear) when parked. Also, turn the wheels toward the curb. This makes towing your vehicle more difficult. Thieves use tow trucks to steal vehicles.
9. If your vehicle is rear-wheel drive, back into your driveway. Conversely, if your vehicle is front-wheel drive, pull forward into your driveway. Always use your emergency brake. This makes towing difficult.
10. If you have a garage, use it. When parked in a garage, lock the garage as well as your vehicle and close the windows.
11. Remove the electronic ignition fuse, coil wire, rotor, distributor, or otherwise disable your vehicle if you are leaving it unattended for an extended period.
12. Don’t become complacent because you drive an older vehicle. Parts from older vehicles are in great demand. In older vehicles, replace “T-shaped” door locks with straight locks.
13. Engrave expensive accessories and major parts with your VIN or personal identification number. This aids police in tracing stolen items.
14. If your vehicle has an alarm or other anti-theft device, use it.
15. Drop your business card, address label or other information inside your vehicle doors. This will identify you and where your vehicle was titled and registered.
Investing in vehicle protection
16. In high theft areas, do not rely on just one anti-theft device.
17. Stolen vehicles are more easily traced when Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) have been etched on each of the windows. It also makes your vehicle less attractive to a professional car thief.
18. Ignition kill switches* halt the fuel supply.
19. Visible steering wheel locks prevent the steering wheel from being turned.
20. Floorboard locks disable the gas or brake pedals, thus preventing the use of these pedals.
21. Gearshift locks disable shifting of the transmission.
22. Tire or wheel locks prevent the vehicle from moving.
23. Hood locks prevent thieves from gaining access to your security system and battery.
24. Armored collars around the steering column deter thieves from breaking into the steering column to get to the ignition wires.
Electronic Security System
25. Audio alarms* emit loud warning sounds when the doors, hood or trunk are opened.
26. Vehicle tracking systems*, which are installed in your vehicle, are activated when your vehicle is stolen. These systems alert the police to the location of your vehicle for quick recovery.
a crime where a vehicle is taken from a person either by force or threat of force. It is a violent vehicle theft and should be immediately reported to the police.
27. As you approach your vehicle be alert, have a plan of action and have your keys in your hands. Check around, under and in your vehicle for suspicious individuals. Immediately leave the scene if you have any suspicions.
28. If confronted, avoid verbal/physical confrontation – do exactly as you are told. If at all possible, never leave in the car with the carjacker.
29. Remember, you are more important than your vehicle, purse, wallet or any other valuables. Give them up and get out of harm’s way.
30. Once the thief leaves, immediately contact law enforcement. Be ready to provide a complete description of your vehicle, license plate and the suspects.
31. Once in your vehicle, lock your doors and keep the windows up while driving.
32. Leave room to maneuver around other vehicles when coming to a stop and be wary of people asking for directions or handing out fliers.
33. If bumped from behind and it seems suspicious, call the police from your car or move at a slow speed to a well lit, well populated area and immediately call the police.
To prevent motorcycle theft, follow many of the suggestions above. Also consider the following:
34. Park in a well lit area or park with a group of other motorcycles.
35. Lock motorcycles together using a quality lock and chain or secure bikes to an immovable object when possible. Use a dual-lock system – a fork lock and a wheel lock.
36. Keep your vehicle registration and insurance information on your person. Secure your valuables. Don’t leave jackets, helmets or any other valuables on your motorcycle.
37. Check on your motorcycle periodically.
38. Disconnect spark plug while parking the motor cycle.

Safety Tips To Prevent Home Theft

1. Keep valuables outside the bedroom: A burglar on the hunt for valuables in a home will make the master bedroom their first stop — since that’s where the cash and jewelry are most commonly stored. So if you do keep such valuables on your property, find another room to store them. “I don’t keep anything in my bedroom,” Houseworth says. “And I don’t have much — deliberately — of great value of the small items [that] are the ones burglars like to steal [stored in my home].”
2. Radio running: Noise helps prevent burglaries as well.
3. Free police inventory: Homeowners should be sure to remember the basics of home-theft prevention: keeping windows and doors locked at all times. For homeowners looking to go a step further, Houseworth suggests contacting the local police department and having an officer stop by the house for a safety checkup. “I don’t know of any police department that if you call them and ask them to do an inventory of your home to help harden it, they won’t come out free and give you advice on how to improve your home,” Houseworth says.
4. Fill up and deposit maid servant/ driver information form (alongwith photograph) to the Police Station. This will act as a big deterrent as these are the people who often give tips to criminals.
5. Install CCTV with recording facility at entrance and corridors.
6. Keep an electric bulb ‘ON’ when not at home.
7. Dial 100 if you notice anything suspicious.
8. Use safety chains while opening doors for the strangers. Use key holes to ascertain the identity of the visitor.
9. Keep watch on casual visitors like plumbers, auto/ rickshaw drivers, salesman and be careful not to divulge important information.
10. Do not keep excessive liquid cash / jewellery at home. Use bank / lockers for deposits.

Tips For Children

1. Do not give out identifying information such as name, home address, school name or telephone number in a chat room.
2. Do not send your photograph to any one on the Net without initially checking with the parent or guardian.
3. Do not respond to messages or bulletin board items that are obscene, belligerent or threatening.
4. Never arrange a face to face meeting without informing your parent or guardian.
5. Remember that people online may not be who they seem to be .

Contents provided by the West Bengal Police Department, Government of West Bengal
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